Creative Human

The Resistance

Four other designers and I got together with the plan to convert a physical game, The Resistance, into a digital one. In order to do this we had to break down its current flow and adjust it to fit a single-player or multi-player digital experience.

Original board game


The Resistance, created by Don Eskridge in 2010, is a card-based game of roleplaying, strategy, and deception. Players are either a member of the Resistance or a government spy. Spies want the Resistance’s missions to fail, but have to sabotage them without being detected. Members of the Resistance carry out missions to defeat the government, but have to avoid being foiled by the government’s spies.

Physical Elements of Board Game

  • Mission Boards: used as the “board” for game-play

  • Character Cards: determine player’s affiliation

  • Leader Token: designates the player that chooses the mission team (alternates each round)

  • Team Tokens: allocates positions on the mission team

  • Vote Tokens: players approve or reject the leader’s proposed mission team

  • Mission Cards: determine mission success or failure

  • Score Marker: shows if the resistance or spies won each mission

  • Round Marker: designates what round the game is on

  • Vote Marker: designates how many times a team has been rejected

Transition to Digital

  • Physical tokens and cards become digital buttons and screens

  • Interface keeps track of score and round marker

  • Enhanced storytelling

  • Keep the in-person experience

Current User Journey

Current User Journey graphic created by Megan Calvin



Group sketches


Wireframe sketches for user testing

Final wireframe sketches


I created icons and other small graphic elements used for the final prototype. My goal was to keep the same theme as the original game while modernizing it just enough to fit a digital interface.

Miscellaneous elements used for digital game


For the separate team icons, I kept the original fist for the Resistance and adjusted the Spy icon to resemble an eye while keeping the same style of the original icon.



All screens were cohesively designed by our entire group, with Luthfan Khalis Wicaksono making the final digital mockups



Round One


Round Two/End of game


Final Prototype



Final prototype video created by Megan Calvin

New User Journey

New User Journey graphic created by Megan Calvin